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Sustainability in Prisons Project

Connecting prisons with nature

Sustainability in Prisons Project

The Sustainability in Prisons Project (SPP) brings science, environmental education, and nature into prisons. A partnership founded by the Washington State Department of Corrections and The Evergreen State College, the project conducts ecological research and conserves biodiversity by forging collaborations with scientists, inmates, prison staff, students and community partners. Equally important, SPP helps reduce the environmental, economic and human costs of prisons by inspiring and informing sustainable practices.

We created an image library and short film for the Sustainability in Prisons Project in 2009. Since then, SPP has grown to a statewide effort, with programs such as prairie conservation, Oregon spotted frog rearing and sustainable operations in all 12 prisons in Washington State. We have returned to document some of their activities in women’s prisons and solitary confinement. This work has been presented to inmates, featured in TED Talks by SPP co-founder Nalini Nadkarni, published by Mother Jones and Nature Conservancy Magazine and more.

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Play film

Connecting Prisons with Nature

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