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The Natural Histories Project

The Natural Histories Project was produced during four workshops held in 2011. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the initiative was designed to create a dialogue between a broad range of naturalists (from ecopsychologists, ecologists and geologists to middle school teachers, environmental educators and university presidents) about the rebirth of natural history. Below are portraits of the 77 participants; additional images are available by request. You can also search by name.

Natural History Initiative (2011)

Carlos Martinez del Rio
Jerry Franklin
Estella Leopold
Arya Degenhardt
Jon Jarvis
Richard Conniff
Doug Walker
Steve Trombulak
Sarah Rabkin
George Gilchrist
Stephanie Pate
Amanda Barney
Kent Redford
Jeff Anderson
Dee Boersma
Mitchell Thomashow
Sacha Vignieri
Julie Stein
Reed Noss
Doug Levey
Josh Tewskbury
Terry Wheeler
Peter Feinsinger
Tom Fleischner
Anne Salomon
Stephanie Hampton
Trileigh Tucker
Bob Fuhrmann
Haldre Rogers
Saul Weisberg
Richard Olmstead
Larry Davis
Tim Billo
Ken Voorhis
Tosha Comendant
Gary Paul Nabhan
Laura Busby
Gary Machlis
Greg Murray
Martha Groom
Gabrielle Roesch
Liam Stacey
Steve Herman
Bob Paine
Mary Power
Maria Coryell-Martin
Traci Price
Jennifer Ruesink
Peter Dunwiddie
Cliff Duke
Ed Grumbine
Noelle Machnicki
Jim Kenagy
Jonathan Bakker
Julia Parrish
Harry Greene
John Anderson
John Horner
Teresa Mourad
Robert Michael Pyle
Arturo Lillo
Mimi Lam
Jessica Reeves
Tom Wessels
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Patricia Zaradic
Laura Sewall
David Inouye
Nancy Baron
Peter Kahn
Kirsten Rowell and Simone Tewksbury
Clare Walker Leslie
Dan Campbell
John Tallmadge
Karen Reagan
Brian Angelo Scavone
Gene Myers
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