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South Africa Science Programs

OTS offers intensive field courses for undergraduates, graduate students and natural resource professionals in tropical biology in Costa Rica and South Africa. These images were made in Kruger National Park in South Africa.

Organization for Tropical Studies (2018)

Field technician and grass expert Imanuel Zwane identifies grass in Kruger National Park.
Field technician and grass expert Imanuel Zwane measures grass biomass in Kruger National Park.
Field technician and grass expert Imanuel Zwane measures grass biomass in Kruger National Park.
Field technician and grass expert Imanuel Zwane measures grass biomass in Kruger National Park.
Field technician and grass expert Imanuel Zwane measures grass biomass in Kruger National Park.
Field technician and grass expert Imanuel Zwane identifies grazed-on grass species in Kruger National Park.
A breakout-group brainstorms course ideas during an IDEO t.School planning workshop.
Berta Guambe and Mohamed Imam Bakarr brainstorm course ideas during an IDEO t.School planning workshop.
Alancay Morales connects superheroes with course ideas during an IDEO t.School planning workshop.
The group debriefs with IDEO's Ben Swire after a full day.
The group marks the end of the workshop with a sundowner in Kruger National Park.
Student Jack Hartfelder accompanies Laurence Kruger and Donovan Tye to collect macro-invertebrates along the Sabie River, just outside of Kruger National Park.
Student Jack Hartfelder works with Donovan Tye to monitor the spread, distribution and ecological impacts of an invasive snail from Southeast Asia.
Tourists pose for a photo with Tembo at Elephant Whisperers.
Laurnce Kruger and student Marci Witczak are working to determine how elephants enhance germination and distribution of various fruit species.
An elephant samples a new fruit species.
Student Marci Witczak feeds a fruit to a captive elephant to investigate how elephants may enhance germination and distribution of various fruit species.
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