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Costa Rica Wildlife

OTS offers intensive field courses for undergraduates, graduate students and natural resource professionals in tropical biology in Costa Rica and South Africa. These images were made at the La Selva and Las Cruces field stations in Costa Rica.

Organization for Tropical Studies (2017)

Casque-headed lizard (Corytophanes cristatus) at La Selva.
Hummingbird nest in the Wilson Botanical Garden at Las Cruces.
Mantled howler (Alouatta palliata) at La Selva.
Mantled howler (Alouatta palliata) at La Selva.
Mantled howler (Alouatta palliata) at La Selva.
Three-toed sloth at La Selva.
Staff naturalist Yahaira Rojas holds a turtle for a group of visitors on a guided walk in La Selva.
Staff naturalist Yahaira Rojas holds a turtle for a group of visitors on a guided walk in La Selva.
Red-lored parrot at Las Cruces.
Red-lored parrot at Las Cruces.
Silver-throated tanager at Las Cruces.
Squirrel cuckoo at Las Cruces.
Blue-crowned mot-mot at Las Cruces.
Crested caracaras at Las Cruces.
White witch moth (Thysania agrippina) at Las Cruces.
White witch moth (Thysania agrippina) at Las Cruces.
Cicada at Las Cruces.
Leaf-cutter ants at La Selva.
Spider at La Selva.
Beetle on Heliconia wilsonii in the Wilson Garden at Las Cruces.
Unidentified butterfly in the Wilson Garden at Las Cruces.
Detail of a blue morpho wing (Morpho peleides limpida) from the collection at La Selva.
Detail of a blue morpho wing (Morpho deidamia polybaptus) at La Selva.
Detail of a blue morpho wing (Morpho menelaus amathonte) at La Selva.
Detail of a uncolored clearwing-satyr (Dulcedo polita) at La Selva.
Detail of a rusted clearwing-satyr (Cithaerias pireta pireta) at La Selva.
Detail of a isidora leafwing (Zaretis isidora) at La Selva.
Detail of a red-striped leafwing (Siderone galanthis galanthis) at La Selva.
Detail of a isidora leafwing (Zaretis isidora) at La Selva.
Spider wasp from the collection at La Selva.
Orquid bee from the collection at La Selva.
Orquid bee from the collection at La Selva.
Weevils in the collection at La Selva.
Beetles in the collection at La Selva.
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