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Costa Rica Agriculture

OTS offers intensive field courses for undergraduates, graduate students and natural resource professionals in tropical biology in Costa Rica and South Africa. These images were made near the La Selva and Las Cruces field stations in Costa Rica.

Organization for Tropical Studies (2017)

Farmer Roberto Jiménez prunes the shade cover in a field of organic coffee in the town of Auga Buena near Las Cruces. He began his biodynamic farm 20 years ago, after the conventional market crashed, and now hosts tours of students and researchers.
Farmer Roberto Jiménez prunes the shade cover in a field of organic coffee in the town of Auga Buena near Las Cruces. He began his biodynamic farm 20 years ago, after the conventional market crashed, and now hosts tours of students and researchers.
Farmer Roberto Jiménez inspects his coffee crop in his fields in the town of Auga Buena near Las Cruces. He began his biodynamic farm 20 years ago, after the conventional market crashed, and now hosts tours of students and researchers.
Farmer Roberto Jiménez inspects his coffee crop in his fields in the town of Auga Buena near Las Cruces. He began his biodynamic farm 20 years ago, after the conventional market crashed, and now hosts tours of students and researchers.
Farmer Roberto Jiménez harvests ripe coffee in his fields near Las Cruces. He began his biodynamic farm 20 years ago, after the conventional market crashed, and now hosts tours of students and researchers.
Farmer Roberto Jiménez harvests ripe coffee in his fields near Las Cruces. He began his biodynamic farm 20 years ago, after the conventional market crashed, and now hosts tours of students and researchers.
Farmer Roberto Jiménez opens a bag of dried coffee beans. He began his biodynamic farm 20 years ago, after the conventional market crashed, and now grows, dries, roasts and sells his own product.
Farmer Roberto Jiménez harvests bananas in his organic coffee fields near Las Cruces. He uses bananas, corn and legumes as shade plants.
Farmer Roberto Jiménez carries a stalk of bananas up through his organic coffee fields near Las Cruces. He uses bananas, corn and legumes as shade plants.
Coffee farmer Roberto Jiménez returns to his home after a morning in the field. He began his biodynamic farm 20 years ago, after the conventional market crashed, and now hosts tours of students and researchers.
Coffee farmer Roberto Jiménez relaxes at home after a morning in the field. He began his biodynamic farm 20 years ago, after the conventional market crashed, and now hosts tours of students and researchers.
Alvoro Rodrieguez and Victor Astorga Perez harvest pineapple for Sogo, an organic pineapple company near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
Alvoro Rodrieguez and Victor Astorga Perez harvest pineapple for Sogo, an organic pineapple company near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
A pineapple field near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
Victor Astorga Perez harvests pineapples for Sogo, an organic pineapple company near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
Alvoro Rodrieguez and Victor Astorga Perez work for Sogo, an organic pineapple company near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
A truck hauls harvested pineapple to a processing facility. As pineapple and banana fields expand, truck traffic and noise around La Selva has increased dramatically.
As pineapple and banana fields expand, truck traffic and noise around La Selva has increased dramatically.
Cattle pasture and pineapple fields near La Selva. Agriculture is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
A new pineapple field near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
A new pineapple field near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
A new pineapple field near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
A new pineapple field near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
A new pineapple field near La Selva. The crop is expanding rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
Cables are used to carry harvested stalks of bananas out to the nearest road in a Chiquita Banana field. Large-scale agriculture has expanded rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
Cables are used to carry harvested stalks of bananas out to the nearest road in a Chiquita Banana field. Large-scale agriculture has expanded rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
Protected from birds by a plastic bag, bananas grow in a Chequita field near La Selva. Large-scale agriculture has expanded rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
A drainage ditch in a Chequita Banana field near La Selva. Large-scale agriculture has expanded rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
Banana laborers head home after a day in the fields. Large-scale agriculture has expanded rapidly in the region, bringing new jobs and economic growth but threatening forests and wildlife.
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