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The Blue Room

At the Snake River Corrections Center outside of Boise, Idaho, inmates in solitary confinement can choose to go to the “Blue Room” to watch one of 30 nature documentaries during the 40 minutes they get outside of their cell each day. There are no windows or televisions available, so these films are the inmates’ only opportunity to connect with the natural world. Do the films change behavior? The staff thinks so, and Nalini is now helping them set up a study to find out.

University of Utah (2014)

At the Snake River Corrections Center outside of Boise, Idaho, inmates in solitary confinement can choose to go to the “Blue Room” to watch one of 30 nature documentaries during the 40 minutes they get outside of their cell each day. There are no windows or televisions available so these films are the inmates’ only opportunity to connect with the natural world. Do the films change behavior? The staff thinks so and Nalini is now helping them set up a study to find out.
Snake River Corrections Center outside of Boise, Idaho.
Hallway to the intensive management unit at SRCI.
Outside space in the intensive management unit at SRCI.
Solitary cell at SRCI.
Inmates in solitary confiement at Snake River Correctional Institution.
Inmates in solitary confiement at SRCI.
Inmates in solitary confiement at SRCI.
Inmates in solitary confiement at SRCI.
Inmate and guard in solitary confinement at SRCI.
At the Snake River Corrections Center outside of Boise, Idaho, inmates in solitary confinement can choose to go to the “Blue Room” to watch one of 30 nature documentaries during the 40 minutes they get outside of their cell each day. There are no windows or televisions available, so these films are the inmates’ only opportunity to connect with the natural world. Do the films change behavior? The staff thinks so, and Dr. Nalini Nadkarni is now helping them set up a study to find out.
The guard at SRCI who began the blue room project.
Inmate records.
Inmates from solitary confiment at Washington Corrections Center work on their GED in a "classroom."
A cell interior at the Intensive Management Unit, or solitary confinement, at Washington Corrections Center.
The excercise yard in the Intensive Mangement Unit, or solitary confinement, at Washington Corrections Center.
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