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Rwanda Monitoring

In the highlands outside of Nyungwe National Park, I accompanied a team of five Vital Signs field technicians who were collecting vegetation and soil samples along with extensive household survey data.

Conservation International (2015)

Field technician Hakizimana Jacques collects a soil sample in the highlands of Rwanda. Vital Signs technicians have collected over 3000 samples from 1000 different farm fields.
Vital Signs technicians plan their day.
Ntamunoza uses GPS to find the E-plot location.
Vital Signs field technician Gakima Jean Baptiste measures out an E-plot in a tea field, Uwinka, Rwanda.
Nzakizwanayo Eraste collects data in an agricultural E-plot, Uwinka, Rwanda.
Field technician Hakizimana Jacques collects a soil sample. The measurements will indicate soil composition and fertility.
Hakizimana takes a soil sample.
Ntamunoza Augustin and Nzakizwanayo Eraste measure the height and canopy spread of a eucalyptus tree that was planted as fuel wood, Uwinka, Rwanda.
Ntamunoza Augustin and Nzakizwanayo Eraste measure the height and canopy spread of a eucalyptus tree that was planted as fuel wood, Uwinka, Rwanda.
Ntamunoza Augustin and Nzakizwanayo Eraste measure the height and canopy spread of a eucalyptus tree that was planted as fuel wood, Uwinka, Rwanda.
Ntamunoza Augustin and Nzakizwanayo Eraste measure the height and canopy spread of a eucalyptus tree that was planted as fuel wood, Uwinka, Rwanda.
Ntamunoza Augustin and Nzakizwanayo Eraste measure the height and canopy spread of a eucalyptus tree that was planted as fuel wood, Uwinka, Rwanda.
Field technician Ntamunoza Augustin measures the height of a tree in the village of Uwinka, just outside of Nyungwe Forest National Park in Rwanda.
Field technician Ntamunoza Augustin measures the height of a tree.
Vital Signs field technician Hakizimana Jacques measures the distance between stems in a eucalyptus grove.
Madeleine Nyiratuza.
Technicians measure the height of a tree.
Ntamunoza Augustin and Nzakizwanayo Eraste calculate canopy cover in a eucalyptus grove planted for fueldwood.
Nzakizwanayo records data in a farmer's field in Uwinka, Rwanda.
Nzakizwanayo Eraste records data in an agricultural E-plot.
Vital Signs technician Ntamunoza Augustin holds a compass.
Nzakizwanayo Eraste records data.
Vital Signs field technician Hakizimana Jacques measures the distance between eucalyptus trees in a steep fuelwood grove in the village of Uwinka, just outside of Nyungwe Forest National Park in Rwanda.
Vital Signs field technician Hakizimana Jacques measures the distance between stems in a eucalyptus grove.
Rodrigue Mugabo completes a household survey with Odette, a farmer in Uwinka, Rwanda.
Rodrigue Mugabo completes a household survey with Odette.
Rodrigue Mugabo completes a household survey with Odette.
Rodrigue Mugabo completes a household survey with Odette.
Rodrigue Mugabo completes a household survey with Odette.
Odette's fields.
Tea and vegetables share terraces in the village of Uwinka, near Odette's house.
Odette's house.
Odette's house.
Rodrigue Mugabo completes a household survey with Odette.
Odette with the field technicians.
Madeleine and Gakima collect a soil sample with the help of Damascene.
Odette shelters from a rainstorm.
Gakima measures Odette's field.
Gakima and Madeleine take a soil sample from Odette's fields.
Gakima Jean Baptiste and Rodrigue Mugabo survey a famer's field after completing an economic survey, Uwinka, Rwanda.
Odette with her elder son, Damascene.
Odette, a widowed farmer, stands with her elder son, Damascene, outside of her house in Uwinka, Rwanda. She completed an extensive household survey with Vital Signs technicians on her health, agricultural practices, income and assets.
Nzakizwanayo records data in a farmer's field in Uwinka, Rwanda.
Tea fields along the edge of Nyungwe National Park.
Tea fields along the edge of Nyungwe National Park.
The field team hikes towards an E-plot in the forest.
Ntamunoza uses a GPS to find the plot.
Ntamunoza uses a GPS to find the plot.
Nzakizwanayo hikes into the plot.
Nzakizwanayo hikes into the plot.
Nzakizwanayo hikes into the plot.
Mayira Boniface struggles to cut a trail through the steep forests of Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda to reach a data collection point. Their sweat and hard work help provide insights and information at the scale at which agricultural investment decisions are made.
The technicians collect a soil sample inside Nyungwe National Park.
Ntamunoza Augustin watches a field technician collect a soil sample inside Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda.
Hakizimana Jacques determines a soil sample is a silty clay inside Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda.
Nyungwe National Park.
Ntamunoza  Augustin measures the diameter of a tree eucalyptus tree planted for firewood.
Ntamunoza  Augustin measures the diameter of a tree eucalyptus tree planted for firewood.
Ntamunoza Augustin calculates canopy cover in a eucalyptus grove planted for fueldwood.
Vital Signs field technicians complete their E-plot in  terraced farm fields, Uwinka, Rwanda.
A ridge of tea surrounded by the forests of Nyungwe Natinoal Park.
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