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Skagit River Delta

These images of the farms and estuaries in the Skagit River Delta were made for a feature in Orion Magazine. The delta sits at the center of: a vibrant farming community, who has tilled this land since their great grandparents built the first dikes generations ago; the Swinomish and other Skagit tribes, who champion the restoration of critical salmon habitat; and the local staff of The Nature Conservancy, who have carefully built bridges within the community through a number of groundbreaking projects.

Orion Magazine and The Nature Conservancy (2010)

Intact estuary habitat near the mouth of the South Fork of the Skagit River. Near La Conner, WA.
The mouth of the South Fork of the Skagit River, near La Conner, WA.
Intact estuary habitat in the Skagit Delta at low tide.
A dike keeps sediment out of the Swinomish Channel near La Conner, Washington.
Dikes divide agricultural land and estuary habitat in the Skagit Delta.
Dikes divide agricultural land and estuary habitat in the Skagit Delta.
Dikes divide agricultural land and estuary habitat in the Skagit Delta.
Pilings from an old pier march across tidal flats at low tide in the Skagit Delta.
Intact estuary habitat in the Skagit Delta at low tide.
Tidal flats near the mouth of the Skagit River.
Tidal flats near the mouth of the Skagit River.
Tidal flats near the mouth of the Skagit River.
Tidal flats in Padilla Bay near Anacortes, WA.
Low tide near Kicket Island and Lone Tree Point on the Swinomish Reservation.
The mouth of the Skagit River's South Fork enters Sakgit Bay, just off the Pioneer Hwy, south of Conway, Washington. Tribal fishing shacks in the foreground; Camano and Whidbey Islands in the distance. TNC's Fisher Slough project is just up river.
Fir Island and the North Fork of the Skagit River.
Looking up river from the mouth of the Skagit River's South Fork, across Fisher Slough, south of Conway, Washington. Tribal fishing shacks in the foreground; Mount Vernon, WA in the distance.
The Nature Conservancy's Farming for Wildlife site on Johnson Road (east site) near Mount Vernon, WA.
A road cuts through fields in the Skagit Delta.
The Tesoro Refinery on March's Point, Swinomish Indian Reservation.
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