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Methow Headwaters

A Canadian mining company wants to conduct exploratory drilling for copper at the headwaters of the Methow River. This is the first step toward developing an open-pit copper mine in the valley we call home. These images were made in May 2017 and October 2015 for Methow Headwaters and feature Washington Pass, the headwaters of the Methow River, the proposed mine site on Flagg Mountain and the Chewuch River drainage.

The Wilderness Society (2015-2017)

Hinkhouse Peak, Liberty Bell and Silver Star Mountain at Washington Pass, North Cascades Highway, looking NE.
Snagtooth Ridge and Silver Star Mountain, looking N.
Liberty Bell, Blue Lake, North Cascades Highway, looking SE.
Cutthroat Peak, Whistler Mountain, Liberty Bell, North Cascades Highway, looking E.
Snagtooth Ridge and Liberty Bell and Washington Pass, looking W.
Ridge detail, north of Washington Pass, looking N.
Just E of Harts Pass, looking S.
Holliway Mountain and the headwaters of the Methow River, looking S.
Holliway Mountain and the headwaters of the Methow River, looking SW.
Flagg Mountain, looking E.
Flagg Mountain and the upper Methow Valley, looking NW.
Goat Peak and Flagg Mountain, looking N.
Flagg Mountain and the upper Methow Valley from 10,000 feet, looking W.
Rendezvous Mountain and the Methow River, looking E towards Winthrop.
West fork of the Chewuch River, looking S towards Winthrop.
Wolf Creek Road in Winthrop, looking NW towrad Gardner Mountain.
Flagg Mountain, Goat Creek, and Goat Peak looking northwest. Mazama Junction, Lost River Rd and the Hwy 20 corridor can also be seen.
Goat Peak and Flagg Mountain, looking east towards Fawn Peak and Rendevous Mountain. Goat Creek Road, the Methow River and Hwy 20 wind down valley.
Flagg Mountain and Goat Creek, looking east. Goat Creek Road, the Methow River and Hwy 20 wind down valley.
Flagg Mountain and Goat Creek, looking south towards Lucky Jim Bluff.
Goat Peak, looking southwest towards Hwy 20 corridor.
Goat Peak Lookout, Goat Creek and Flagg Mountain, looking south towards Gardner Mountain.
Goat Peak Lookout at sunsrise, looking south.
Flagg Mountain and Goat Creek, looking north. Mazama Junction at left.
Black Pine Basin, Setting Sun Mountain and McLeod Mountain, looking north into the Pasayten Wilderness. Goat Wall at bottom; Lost River at left.
Driveway Butte and Goat Wall, looking north towards Lost River.
Detail of a dry Methow River near Mazama. The Methow Trails ski trail can be seen in the trees along the right bank.
Silver Star Mountain and Cutthroat Creek, looking south along Hwy 20 towards Washington Pass. Kangaroo Ridge at center; Liberty Bell at right.
Silver Star Mountain, looking southwest along Hwy 20 towards Washington Pass.
Silver Star Mountain, looking south towards Glacier Peak.
Silver Star Mountain and Vasiliki Ridge, looking southeast towards Gardner Mountain.
Tower Creek, Straight Ridge and the upper reaches of the Methow River, looking northeast.
The headawaters of the Methow River and Holliway Mountain, looking east. Hwy 20 corridor at top-right.
The headawaters of the Methow River and Holliway Mountain, looking east. Azurite Peak and Handcock Ridge at left.
Mill Creek looking southeast towards Azurite Peak and Majestic Mountain. PCT in basin at left. Historical mine at center, creek does not flow to Methow headwaters, behind Azurite Peak.
Mill Creek looking southeast towards Azurite Peak and Majestic Mountain. PCT in basin at left. Historical mine at center, creek does not flow to Methow headwaters.
Detail of sublapine larch near Harts Pass.
Lost River and Scramble Point, looking south towards Methow River and Driveway Butte.
Sunrise Peak, McLeod Mountain and Setting Sun Mountain looking southeast towards Fawn Peak and Goat Peak Lookout. Upper Goat Creek at left.
McLeod Mountain and Sunrise Peak looking southeast towards Fawn Peak and Goat Peak Lookout. Goat Creek at center.
Copper Glance Lake and Isabella Ridge, looking southeast. Eightmile Creek, at left flows into the West Chewuch RIver.
Copper Glance Lake and Isabella Ridge, looking west. Goat Peak at upper-left.
Farewell Creek and the Chewuch RIver, looking northeast.
Farewell Peak, looking east towards Chewuch drainage.
Lake Creek, in the Upper Chewuch drainage, looking southeast. Black Lake below plane; burned in 2003.
Lake Creek, in the Upper Chewuch drainage, looking southeast towards Methow Valley. Black Lake below plane at right; burned in 2003.
Detail of Lake Creek and Lake Creek Trail. Burned in 2003.
Coleman Peak, bottom center, looking south down Chewuch drainage towards Methow Valley.
Black Lake,  Black Lake Ridge and Andrews Creek, looking northwest.
Upper Chewuch River, looking north.
Lower Chewuch River, looking south towards Sun Mountain Lodge and Mount Gardner.
Methow River looing north towards Winthrop.
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