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Checkerboard Forest

The Great Western Checkerboards Project is an effort to reconnect a divided checkerboard of land ownership that dates back to the westward expansion of railroads. In Washington State, the acquisition fills in critical gaps in state and federal wilderness areas for elk, wolves, wolverines and spotted owls at the headwaters of the Yakima River. Though the Forest Service and other land mangers have slowly worked to defragment this landscape with piecemeal land swaps over the years, $134 million in interim financing allows The Nature Conservancy to move quickly and make an impact at the landscape level.

The Nature Conservancy (2015)

Checkerboard forest, S of Stampede Pass, looking SW.
Checkerboard forest, S of Stampede Pass.
Checkerboard forest, S of Stampede Pass, S edge of Plum Creek lands, looking SE.
Checkerboard forest near Stampede Pass.
Checkerboard forest, S of Cabin Creek, looking N, Kachess Lake at top center.
Logging scars, Checkerboard forest near Stampede Pass.
A mix of Western larch and Douglas Fir, Checkerboard forest, looking N.
Cle Elum River and Lake, looking N.
Cle Elum Lake and Amabilis Mountain, looking N.
S end of Kachess Lake, I-90, looking N.
Wetland in the Checkerboard Forest, looking ENE.
Clearcut detail, Checkerboard Forest.
Clearcuts, S of Cabin Creek, looking W.
Alpine ride, S of Cabin Creek, looking W.
Mt. Rainier from near Stampede Pass, looking S.
Mt. Rainier from near Stampede Pass, looking S.
Cle Elum Lake, looking NE.
Clearcut, S of Cabin Creek, looking E.
Clearcut, unknown creek.
Clearcut boundary.
Clearcut ridges along the  southern edge of the I-90 corridor, looking W.
Active logging operation S of Stampede Pass.
Active logging operation S of Stampede Pass.
The town of Roslyn, Plum Creek land on Roslyn Ridge and new development, looking N.
Roslyn Ridge and Cle Elum Lake, looking S.
New development below Roslyn Ridge, outside the town of Roslyn.
Checkerboard forest on Amabilis Mountain, and I-90, looking W, SW of Kachess Lake.
Checkerboard Forest at Stampede Pass, Mt. Rainier, looking S.
N end of Kachess Lake, looking N.
Checkerboard Forest, S of Cabin Creek, Mt. Rainier, looking S.
Keechelus Lake and I-90, Lost Lake in the distance, looking W.
Rampart Ridge, E of Keechelus Lake, looking N.
Rampart Ridge, Chimney Rock and Glacier Peak, looking N.
Checkerboard forest and I-90 corridor, looking E at Easton and Cle Elum.
Checkerboard forest S of Cabin Creek, looking E at Cle Elum.
Clearcuts, S of Cabin Creek, looking W.
Mt. Rainier from near Stampede Pass, looking S.
Checkerboard forest directly S of Easton, looking WSW.
I-90 and Yakima River looking E.
Cle Elum Lake, looking NW, lower ridge at right is Plum Creek land.
W Cle Elum, Plum Creek land on Roslyn Ridge, and the Stuart Range, looing N.
Early morning fog outside of Cle Elum, looking NE.
Early morning fog outside of Cle Elum, looking N.
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